Published on August 4, 2020. Have a consistent watering schedule. 5. 5. Factors to consider when choosing a fertilizer. Make sure it’s getting enough light (checking the distance between new leaves may help you determine this), 2. Cut a stem to 12-18 inches. Although this indoor plant can be found all over the world, the Fiddle Leaf Fig hails from Western Africa. Place the stem, cut side down, in a jar of clean, room temperature water. Lots of people have great success with this method, and it’s fun because you can see the rooting progress instead of having to wait to see growth or tug on the cutting. (Special to the Democrat-Gazette) Q: A friend of mine would like to know. 2. Use an air layering technique to propagate your fiddle leaf fig plant. How to grow fiddle leaf fig. There can be plenty of reasons behind your fiddle leaf figs leaves curling, with the leading cause being underwatering. Tall. Covering the soil with pebbles can help keep the moisture in. Problem: Leaves showing brown spotting. Fiddle leaf fig trees grow well in hardiness zones 9-11. Some are more visible than others, so you'll need to grab your magnifying glass and detective hat for this one. Keep the compost moist but guard against waterlogging by watering the cuttings from below. Fiddle leaf figs need medium to fast-draining soil and will do well planted with a well-draining, airy potting mix that’s designed for houseplants. Fiddle leaf figs need to store up a decent amount of energy through photosynthesis in order to grow consistently large and healthy leaves, and having sufficient light is vital for photosynthesis. Native to forests of Western Africa, Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer warm temperatures between 60F and 75F and high humidity above 50%. I'm going to let you in on a little secret garden centers don't want you to know. Place the plant in the new pot. Soil with good drainage. Eliza confirms that fiddle leaf figs are better suited to a light-filled Soho loft than a dim apartment. 83 out of 5 based on 216 customer ratings. An underwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig tree on the left, and the same tree less than 24 hours later. The ideal temperature range for a fiddle leaf fig is between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The fiddle-leaf gets its name from the violin-like shape of its green, leathery, wavy-edged leaves, which show tan veining on a matte underside. In this article, we'll discuss five little known facts about the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. So if you’re struggling with a Fiddle Leaf Fig that isn’t growing, first ask if it is in a natural period of little growth due to winter or recent changes. Ficus lyrata, commonly called the fiddle-leaf fig, is a perfect indoor specimen plant. We almost always have Ficus lyrata in stock at our retail plant store in San Francisco. Plan – Before you start pruning a Fiddle Leaf Fig, make a plan. Bleached or brown spots that occur on the top leaves of a plant may indicate sunburn. Fiddle-leaf figs are not prone to pest infestations but are susceptible to spider mites and scale insects. It is a beautiful houseplant that can add to the aesthetic appeal to your space, and can be a stunning, architectural statement in your home. "We try to get a nice sized one so it commands its own space," he says. If slowly introduced to more intense direct light, they can handle full sun indoors and will grow faster. 3. 3. Starting from this plant's origins to some basic care tips to keep this must-have indoor tree thriving. Rated 4. It rarely has an appropriate balance to supply your plants with all they need. Place the jar in bright, indirect light. If you have a small or medium-sized plant, giving it a shower from the mixer tap in the sink, spray attachment in the tub, or even in the shower itself, is the easiest way to remove dust from your fiddle leaf fig leaves. Humidity plays a key factor in maintaining a happy and healthy plant. Fiddle-leaf fig care includes adequate water, but the worst thing you can do to fiddle-leaf fig trees is to overwater them. In this article, we'll discuss five little known facts about the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. If you accidentally cut through the stem and sever it from the plant, place the cutting in a glass or vase of water to root it and start a new fiddle leaf fig plant. If the mix still feels quite moist. Fiddle Leaf Fig brown spots caused from under watering generally happen because the plant is too dry. Ficus lyrata Ficus pandurata. Repotting. While the holes on the fiddle leaf fig could be tiny at first, failure to treat them can lead to the death of the plant. Fiddle-leaf fig trees like steady temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees F. Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season, and prune off any dead or damaged leaves. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrate) and Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Both the Fiddle Leaf Fig and Spider Plant are mildly toxic to dogs and cats. Alternately, you could also make your own DIY growing medium by combining one part of. Then place your pot outside or in a bathtub where it can drain, and slowly add water to the top of the pot,. Mix the soap concentrate in a spray bottle, according to the instructions. Here’s everything you need to know about how to propagate fiddle leaf figs using these three methods. This will help maintain the plants shape and keep it from becoming unruly. Step 2: Water your plant deeply and evenly, flooding the top of the soil and making sure that water runs out of the drainage hole. Can be grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10-12, will thrive as a houseplant in all parts of the country. Warmer climate. 5. Humidity: Fiddle leaf figs need moderate humidity levels in order to stay healthy. Moraceae is sometimes known as the “fig family,. Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees 101: A Field Guide to Growing, Care & Design. As tropical plants, Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer mild and humid environments. One way to increase humidity is by misting the leaves of the plant with a spray bottle. Ficus lyrata ‘Bambino’:This is a dwarf variety that only reaches a few feet tall. Fiddle-Leaf Figs want warmer temperatures over cooler ones. Don’t be too surprised because this number can reach 50 feet if they breed in the lowland. Ficus lyrata, commonly called fiddle-leaf fig or banjo fig, is native to Africa. Your fig has outgrown its pot. With small ingestions of the plant material, there is a risk for mild gastrointestinal irritation. Ficus lyrata. $229. Keep the potting mix only slightly moist. Use a chopstick or dowel to aerate the soil a little bit if necessary. F. If you start growing fiddle-leaf figs in containers, you’ll need to repot them every year. Wipe the leaves. Container and Soil. 4. Whereas the Fig Tree is usually 33 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Fiddle leaf figs come from the tropical jungles of West Africa and can reach at least 40 feet in height. Caring for a fiddle leaf fig isn't really all that different from caring for other houseplants. It's easy to grow and very showy. This Fiddle Leaf Fig has a Thrip problem (zoomed in and colored red on the upper right side of the image). The Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is a species of fig tree native to the lowland tropics of western Africa. But in order for the Fiddle Leaf Fig to grow multiple branches, we need to prune at about 18″ or more from the top of the stem to get to the woody part. Plan – Before you start pruning a Fiddle Leaf Fig, make a plan. You’ll need a section of branch (or trunk) that’s at least 4″ long. Make your fiddle leaf figs leaves green and shiny by dusting the leaves regularly and wiping off any excess dus t will help them absorb light better and “breathe. This should be done 6-8 weeks before separating plants. The fiddle leaf fig has been around for centuries. This means that the fertilizer contains 3% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 2% potassium. Ficus lyrata are still hot plants but they can be tricky to. This will force new growth from the node. The first step is to remove the plant from the pot or container. Of course, like any superstar, Fidel has a few demands. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause dull brown and grey spots on its leaves as well as leaf loss. It encourages the parent plant to grow more branches and develop an. 6. When we cut a stem at a lower woody point, buds form much slower than they do at the top green part of the plant. Use an old cloth and some lukewarm water every couple of weeks to help keep them happy. According to the feng shui bagua map that divides areas into separate spaces, fiddle leaf figs are a wood element and are best used in the following positions. It is known to occur in premontane humid forests ( Vascular Plants of Antioquia, 2014 ), and has been introduced for cultivation indoors and outdoors to tropical and temperate climate zones. To prune your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, follow the steps below: Prepare tools – To begin with, use a sharp pair of pruning shears. Additionally, it is used to treat inflammatory, cardiovascular, and respiratory illnesses (including sore throats, coughs, and bronchial issues) [2]. Bushy. Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation method 1: root cuttings in water. They originated in Africa where the light was abundant. They will generally benefit from daily misting, or more often in dryer areas. . Steve Bender. These are the same plant, but one has been manipulated through. Decorate your home with plants combined with a plant pot to suit your style. You’ll want to have a container ready for your cutting with clean, chlorine-free water. These are the same plant, but one has been manipulated through pruning and shaping. Not only are Fiddle Leaf Figs striking and hearty, they help purify the air by removing unhealthy organic compounds. In its native habitat, it can grow over forty feet tall, however indoor fiddle leaf figs are significantly smaller. Very dry fiddle leaf fig plants can quickly develop brown spots, which typically are more tan in color than brown, and start at the edge of the leaf and spread inward. See moreThe fiddle-leaf fig ( Ficus lyrata) is a tropical plant native to rainforests in central and western Africa. Water sparingly during the resting period. Like its full-sized cousin, the dwarf fiddle leaf fig has striking dark green leaves, although they tend to be slightly rounder and grow closer together. Don’t add water until the top inch (2. Fill up the planter with 1/3rd of the new soil. Just make sure to give it plenty of water. It makes cleaning, watering, rearranging, and rotating your plants a breeze. Yes, of course, a plant needs water, but fiddles can be picky. Wipe the stem with a damp cloth. The fiddle leaf fig is known to be one of the most finicky and difficult houseplants to care for indoors. Lots of people have great success with this method, and it’s fun because you can see the rooting progress instead of having to wait to see growth or tug on the cutting. Fiddle Leaf Figs should be placed in front of a window that will receive direct morning or afternoon light. If you suspect. When grown indoors and in our climate, a Fiddle Leaf Fig houseplant can reach 6 feet tall or more. Its size, the amount of light it is getting, humidity, potting mix type, and plant’s pot type all play an important role when it comes to how long a plant can go without water. But we can tell you everything you need to know to keep him happy. This beautiful variety looks quite stunning with foliage having a shade of fascinating green in the middle with swathes of silver, cream, and white around the outside. “These. Leaving your real fiddle leaf fig tree in the vessel that it came in, place it in the bathtub. This means that fiddle leaf figs will require more humidity than rubber plants. As a Feng Shui expert, I must share with you some fascinating. For ideal growth, the humidity level in your room should be between 30% and 60%. Fiddle-leaf fig trees ( Ficus lyrata) are evergreen trees with enormous, fiddle-shaped, green leaves. Place the fiddle leaf fig back in the pot. The Top House Plant for Decor Dubbed the "It" plant of decor by the New York Times, the Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree has become the star of the design. Move them into a container 2-4” larger than the current one in the spring. . Download Article. It can adapt to various light conditions and is. The best time for pruning and shaping your fiddle leaf fig is in the spring when there will be plenty of light to fuel recovery and new growth. The fiddle leaf fig tree is fast becoming a popular ornamental tree, both inside and outside the home. 00 with. Step 3: Plant the newly rooted cutting. The Most Popular House Plant for Decor Why Fiddle-Leaf Fig Trees? Named the 'it' tree of the design world by the New York Times, the Fiddle-Leaf Fig is rising the ranks, becoming the most coveted houseplant of the decade. How To Prune A Fiddle Leaf Fig Into A Tree. Wipe, spray, or dip blades in rubbing alcohol to prevent infections. The fiddle-leaf fig ( Ficus lyrata) is a tropical plant native to rainforests in central and western Africa. It measures over 5' tall with multiple trunks made from artificial materials in a rustic brown hue. More plants die from overwatering than underwatering, and this is true of a fiddle leaf fig too. reduces negative effects in case the soil cracks, shrinks, etc. Fiddle leaf figs also have a tendency to drop their leaves if they are not getting enough light, while rubber plants will tolerate lower light levels. Tip over the container and gently remove the pot from the root ball. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a tropical plant native to West Africa, where it grows in the wild under the canopy of other trees. 00. Auxiliary buds, located at leaf nodes along stems, are activated by the plant when a cut is made. Propagating the fiddle leaf fern from cuttings is not hard. Fiddle leaf fig propagation: Leaf or cutting in water Another propagation method popular for fiddle leaf figs is putting a cutting or single leaf in water . 1. Although this indoor plant can be found all over the world, the Fiddle Leaf Fig hails from Western Africa. This means that it thrives in bright, indirect sunlight rather than direct sunlight. Nourish Your Fiddle-Leaf Fig. Easily mobilize your hard-to-lift plant with the saucer on wheels. Wipe the stem with a damp cloth. Ficus Audrey. Delicately separate the remaining roots, then replant the fiddle leaf fig in new, pre-moistened potting soil. To fix root rot in Fiddle Leaf Figs take the following steps: remove all soil, wash the root ball and examine the plant’s roots, prune diseased roots, spray remaining roots with hydrogen peroxide, fill a new pot with well draining soil and repot your Fiddle Leaf fig. Many species of ficus have aerial roots and are epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants) or hemiepiphytes (plants that begin as epiphytes, but send down roots that eventually reach the ground). You will split and repot a Fiddle Leaf Fig by pruning its roots first. Brown spots on the leaves are a common fiddle leaf problem. If your plant is between 3 and 6 feet tall, use 3 cups of water. Finally, water the plant well. Fiddle-leaf fig tree: size, growth, and origin. With prices ranging from around $12 for a small plant to hundreds of dollars for mature trees, this gorgeous greenery can be a significant investment as well as an integral part of your home's design. The fiddle-leaf fig needs the kind of. The plant gets its name from its large leaves which resemble the case of a fiddle or violin. Fiddle leaf figs don’t do well in the cold and prefer warm, humid environments. Both Fiddle Leaf Fig and Fig Tree are full-grown trees. Another benefit of pruning is to limit the overgrowth of Ficus Lyrata in outdoor environments. Generally, water your Fiddle Leaf Fig every 7-10 days. Fiddle-leaf figs may be known for being finicky and high-maintenance, but they are surprisingly easy to propagate. When watering your indoor fiddle leaf fig, be sure the soil is evenly moist all the way to the top of the pot. However, during the dormant winter period, decrease the watering frequency to once every 2-3 weeks. Filters Odors. It would be best to use a spray bottle because you can easily control how much water to apply. Provide 6 to 8 hours of bright, indirect light per day. Here are some of the most popular types of pots for fiddle leaf figs: 1. But never fear! This article will teach you everything you need to know. How to Water Fiddle Leaf Figs: Don’t Overwater! It’s important that you allow your Fiddle-Leaf Fig to dry out a bit between waterings. However, there are also some differences in. Fiddle-leaf figs can be an eye-catching statement piece in your. The Fiddle Leaf Fig grows in hardiness zones between 10 – 12 according to the USDA and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Put your fiddle leaf fig in a container that's three or four inches wider than the container it came in. Trimming ficus trees is necessary if the plant is touching the ceiling or you want to make it smaller or shape it. A fiddle’s natural habitat is warm and humid. As they grow, they are commonly seen as floor plants. However, they can’t take extended periods of full sun (being placed. Then, carry out the procedure once more. FROM: A$45. It will require extreme measures if there are many brown spots on the leaves. Here, learn about a fiddle leaf fig's light, water, and soil requirements—plus, learn what to do if you see yellow, brown, or falling leaves or root rot. Order: Rosales. Inspect the damage and. Fiddle leaf figs need medium to fast-draining soil and will do well planted with a well-draining, airy potting mix that’s designed for houseplants. This faux fiddle leaf fig tree breathes new life into your space with an authentic look – and no watering required. Native to the African rainforest, it likes bright shade; moist, well-drained soil; and warm, moist air. But, after all the panic and coddling, it turns out that the best way to. You can always remove a few leaves to create an ideal spot if needed. Fiddle Leaf Fig tree needs an average of at least 5,000 lux (500 FC) to be healthy. Make sure to spray your Fiddle Leaf Fig thoroughly, especially the undersides of the leaves, since spider mites love to settle there. Types of Fiddle-Leaf Fig. $16 at pistilsnursery. Fiddle Leaf Figs will generally do fine if placed right in front of a window in NYC. These conditions should remain as consistent as possible between seasons. By now, you must have figured out that the Fiddle Leaf Fig is finicky; perfecting the right amount of water this plant needs, takes time and practice…. Keep the potting mix only slightly moist. This can happen slowly or very rapidly on a hot day, like for the fiddle leaf fig pictured below, which was left outdoors on a 110-degree day. Some houseplant enthusiasts believe the fiddle leaf fig plant lost its. 1. Fiddle-leaf figs need a weak solution of indoor plant fertilizer every two to three weeks in their growing season. The ideal humidity range is between 40 and 60 percent. However, during the dormant winter period, decrease the watering frequency to once every 2-3 weeks. Native to the tropical climate of Western Africa, the Little Fiddle Leaf Fig. Black spots aren’t the only problem caused by overwatering. Watering the Fiddle Leaf is necessary only when the soil in the pot began to dry out. More from the no collections. Brown leaves are one of the signs it’s unhappy, so here’s how to water it well. Fiddle leaf figs grow best in soil that is nutrient-rich, has good drainage, and is slightly moist. A south-facing window is ideal, filtered by a sheer curtain to protect the. The second easiest method to clean your fiddle leaf fig is to put it in the shower and spray it off. Potentially harmful. In their native habitat, Fiddle Leaf Fig can reach a height of 50 feet. The most common signs observed are vomiting and diarrhea. If you start. Any good houseplant soil mix, such as MiracleGro indoor potting mix, is an excellent choice for your Fiddle Leaf Fig because it is specifically designed to promote aeration, drainage, and nutrition, as well as resist fungus and gnats. '. Yellowing leaves are also common, generally starting with the oldest leaves first. Step 1: Pick the right time. Hold fiddle leaf fig pot down in the water until all the air bubbles escape (30-45 seconds) Drain the tub and let the fiddle leaf figs dry in the tub. The dwarf fiddle leaf fig, also referred to as a bambino fiddle leaf, is a smaller, more compact version of the standard Ficus lyrata. However, make sure that your plant is not inadvertently next to a cold or hot air vents, as this will make it harder to control the environment around the plant. A slightly acidic pH between 5. For medium-sized fiddle leaf figs, choose a pot that’s 4-6 inches wider in diameter and 2-3 inches taller than its current pot. Both cases will drop leaves, but dry plants will drop leaves throughout the plant, not just the bottom leaves. This causes the soil to be dry and light. Soil. The fiddle leaf fig is a popular indoor plant that can add charm to any room. Place the plant in the new container and fill the sides with soil. Place under the showerhead and give the entire plant a good drenching in tepid water. Warb. 99 $62. The leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig are large and glossy, and they can grow up to 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. Do not leave your plants in temperatures below 50 °F for an extended period. Our giant fiddle-leaf fig tree was the one we learned the most on. As a houseplant, it will grow 2 to 10 feet tall. Add to cart. Step 3: Take your cutting. Pruning not only helps to keep the plant healthy and vibrant, but also encourages new growth. The best soil for a fiddle leaf fig is one that is designed to provide air circulation and water retention. This will give the roots enough space to grow without drowning them in excess soil. Here are 5 signs that it’s time to repot your fiddle leaf fig: 1. Fiddle leaf fig plants need light to thrive and love it when they get enough sun. It's key to provide fiddle leaf figs with plenty of humidity. Use a general houseplant fertilizer. pot. Be sure to dispose of the dead leaves so the pests don’t spread to your other plants. Just make sure to give it plenty of water. 8. The sooner you catch the problem, the easier it will be to treat. The best NPK ratio for a fiddle leaf fig plant is 3-1-2. The fiddle-leaf fig needs the kind of. The book is available in full-color paperback or Kindle edition on Amazon now! Join our Facebook Community and chat with other fiddle leaf fig lovers. They belong to the Moraceae. The Missouri Botanical Garden recommends watering more as winter turns to spring to provide the plant with enough water for new growth. The leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig are large and glossy, and they can grow up to 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. These plants are genetically similar; their only real difference is their mature shape and size. 2. Fertilize monthly in the spring and summer with a simple houseplant fertilizer. 2. During periods of low humidity, dry conditions, and high. Fiddle leaf figs need a good stable watering regime to flourish. The fiddle-leaf fig doesn't like any changes in its placement, and it also doesn't like changes in the room temperature. Fill up bathroom with lukewarm water. 8 feet) tall indoors, adding the perfect splash of colour and height to any room. Fertilize regularly during the spring and summer. Their large, veinous, violin-shaped leaves are their shining glory and they thrive. Move it a quarter turn every week or so to expose all sides to light for a natural upright growth. Give it some outdoor time where it can get a breeze, 3. 2. The ideal temperature range for growing fiddle leaf figs is 60-75 °F. easily accessible thanks to many pumice deposits around the world. Move up one pot size when you see roots emerging from. Keep in mind: Price and stock could change after publish date, and we may make money from these affiliate links. While they may be less popular than the pothos, or. It is a large plant for that container, but it sure looks happy. Replace the soil – The best soil for fiddle leaf figs is well-draining and well-aerated. 5. These iconic house plants are easy to grow, and add a dramatic statement to your home décor. 2. The Little Fiddle Leaf Fig is easily recognizable and loved for its distinctive foliage. Follow the fertilizer label instructions, and don’t be tempted to add more because that will poison the tree. Name status. All you need for this method is cloth and care. This beautiful variety looks quite stunning with foliage having a shade of fascinating green in the middle with swathes of silver, cream, and white around the outside. Typically, repotting to refresh the soil is necessary every 2 to 4 years. Fill a six-inch container with sterile potting soil, water the soil, and poke a hole in the center with a pencil or chopstick. When pruning a fiddle leaf fig, use sharp, clean scissors or shears to cut off the leaves at the base of the stem. Many conditions affect the ultimate height, spread, and performance of these indoor plants. Water it once a week or so and make sure excess water drains out the bottom of the pot. com. 1. Removing the growing tip encourages the plant to thicken and provide. As a Feng Shui expert, I must share with you some fascinating insights about this alluring plant, but be warned, some secrets are best left to those with a keen eye and a curious spirit. 'Remember to sterilize your pruning shears to prevent disease spreading. Habit. The more closely your climate matches the fiddle’s native environment of tropical West Africa, the more likely your fiddle will be to thrive outdoors. 623-242-0370. Temperature. Habit. Propagate fiddle leaf fig cuttings in small jars of clean water. However, unbeknownst to many, these trees also bear fruit. Place the stem, cut side down, in a jar of clean, room temperature water. Black Grower Pot, Avg. This simulates the conditions of their native environment and will keep them happy. Sudden changes to the plant’s environment can cause your fiddle leaf fig to become limp and droop, but your fig should recover in a few weeks. Fiddle Leaf Figs can grow a couple of feet every year if given the right conditions, and can grow up to about 1. It's perfect for creating a focal point indoors, where it can be grown with other plants to create a jungle display, or used on its own as a statement piece. With the proper care, fiddle leaf fig trees can grow very rapidly and may need repotting every 1-2 years. 'Leaves that are brown, crunchy, or dry should be pruned, and you should cut them at the petiole, close to the stem,' says Vladan Nikolic. Just make sure that you loosen the roots a bit before placing your plant in a bigger pot (and remember, only go one size bigger). We almost always have Ficus lyrata in stock at our retail plant stores in San Francisco and Marina del Rey. Removing damaged leaves – To help your plant recover and prevent brown spots from spreading, you need to remove leaves that are infected. If you accidentally cut through the stem and sever it from the plant, place the cutting in a glass or vase of water to root it and start a new fiddle leaf fig plant. Easily mobilize your hard-to-lift plant with the saucer on wheels. Shake it! Fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) An important factor in determining the suitability of a plant to your home and envisioning the care it will need, is to know the origin of the plant. Finally, the leaves of your dry fiddle leaf fig may look otherwise healthy, whereas the leaves of a plant with root rot will begin to look sickly, yellow, or have tiny brown spots. If your fiddle leaf fig is being overwatered, it is definitely something that you want to address and fix right away as overwatering can quickly lead to root rot which can kill your tree. Ideally, what you’re aiming for is a window with a mostly unobstructed eastern, western, or southern. The fiddle leaf fig is easily recognizable and loved for its distinctive foliage. Sometimes used in magazine layouts as a container plant, this tree can be cut. 'Leggy growth happens when your fiddle plant doesn't get enough light, and the space between the internodal space (the gap between each leaf) is very long,' explains Caroline Cocker. 29 What you must remember is to not expose your plant to direct sunlight. You must bring them indoors if the temperature starts to. 1. Be sure that the top of the root ball sits at the same level it did in the prior pot. Details & Care. ) Secret No. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Faux Fig leaf, Fiddle Leaf, branch (8. In fact, it was one of the first houseplants to be brought to Europe from Africa in the 1600s. We prefer liquid fertilizers over slow-release sticks or pellets because it’s easier to control how much your plant is getting. When using the stem cutting method, take clean and sharp shears to make a slanting cut on a stem that is 6 inches (15 cm) long from the top. increases porosity of the soil. Compacta Fiddle Leaf Fig. When it comes to optimum Fiddle Leaf Fig light requirements, you’re looking at 40,000 + lux. And they’re also all quiet when it’s time to go to sleep. So the simple steps to strengthen a weak or leaning Fiddle Leaf Fig trunk are: 1. Within a matter of weeks, new growth will emerge, eventually creating new branches on the plant. Consider placing a humidifier by the plant, or utilizing a pebble tray. Fiddle plants prefer soils that are high in organic matter, as it helps retain moisture and nutrients. Compare. More from the no collections. I started with 4 stem cuttings and a leaf, because I was super curious to see if roots could grow from a single leaf! I place the base of 2 stem cuttings and 1 leaf in water, and planted the other 2 stem cuttings in moist potting soil. Investing in fiddle leaf figs can be daunting, but the. Take a close look at the roots and clip off any that look unhealthy or dead. $36.